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Pakistan cannot Realize its Morbid Ambitions , Baloch Have Decided They Cannot Afford to be Deceived Anyfuther! Hyr Beyar Marri  04/06/12

Occupied Balochistan: Baloch National perseverane and courage has shaken Pakistani state foundations said Baloch Patriotic leader, Waja Hyr Beyar Marri in a statement released to dailytawar newspaper on Monday. He said that the panic stricken Pakistani rulers seeking solace by resorting to baseless allegations. He said that because of its atrostous policies Pakistan is under intense external and internal pressure. To metigate that pressure, or to create a misguided impression about the defensive activities of Baloch struggle, the Frontior Corps has now started a series of diversionary statements, said Waja Marri. Affirming his believe Waja Marri said that all diabolic conspiracies being hatched against Baloch freedom struggle would not be successfull as usual. Because, today’s Baloch has learned a lot from their past mistakes, no one can misguide them with baseless stories. He further said it is utterly impossible for enemy to misgiude international opinion with false allegations empty of proof. The allegations that Pakistan has levelled upon us and our friends are not new and for sixty four years Pakistani state establisment and its stoog politicians are continously repeating them. but they failed to prove their claims till today. Just three years back at Sharam ul Sheikh Pakistani prime minister presented a file to his Indian counterpart allegedlly claiming Indian involvement in Balochistan. And Pakistani media left no stone unturned in publicizing the allegations, but it turned out to be a file of hearsay and a plethora of unsubstanciated complains. World community, including India rejected them and when demanded substancial proof, Pakistan backtracked and went into silence.

The same was orchestrated in the false case against us in london. But when they were asked to present proof, they failed to produce anything before British independent court to substanciate their allegations. But there too we succeeded in convincing the British Court and Jury that Pakistan has occupied Balochistan and Baloch people do not regard themselves as Pakistani citizens. Waja Marri forcefully reittrated that Baloch people are not terrorists, it is Pakistan and its military that are engaged in terrorism in the world. Baloch have now stood up to defend their homeland. When they (British Court and Jury) became aware of the reality of Balochistan status and based on this reality the Jury exonerated us of all Pakistan false allegations. As a result, it further dawned upon world community that whatever Baloch say about Pakistan are substanciated truths and consistant with the reports of independent world organizations. Pakistan is not only sorting to falshood but also all its claims are based on diabolical diversionary tactics.

The Baloch leader said that Pakistani Judiciary came under pressure and became active on human rights abuses only when Balochistan Bill was submitted in American Congress and various human rights organizations, including American government concerns, took notice of the Pak military atrocities in Balochistan. He further said that Pak judiciary is more concerned about Pakistan’s unnatural state existence rather than saving the lives of Baloch people. In this regard it has held some sessions in which the IG of FC was sommon, but he refused to attend it, as result, his own chief justice declared him the murderer of the Baloch People, who were abducted from a local hotel and their dead bodies, as gifts, were sent to Baloch nation.

Mir Hyr Beyar Marri said that all Pakistani baseless allegations against Baloch leadership, the hue and cry about foreign involvement and aid in Balochistan, are nothing more than a futile attempts to exonerate itself from the proven crimes that it has committed in Balochistan. Marri said the Paki state official has revealed that there are twenty foreign agencies active in Balochistan, but he had not the courage to name those agenceies and arrest them and brought them before public. Marri questioned the authenticity of the offical claim and asked while he knew the exact numbers of the alleged foreign agencies why doesn’t have the courage to arrest them?, surely, he needs not to use air force to arrest them! But he has asked the federal government to provide him the authority to use air force to terminate Baloch nation. he further said that Pakistan has had corpet bombardement in Balochistan. three hundred thousands Baloch lost their home because of Pakistan military operation. Thousands of Baloch youths, elderly men, wormen and children have enforcedly disappeared. Hundreds of tortured dead bodies we received. Our coffins are locked and even our graveyards too are guarded with intense securities. But the success, that Pakistan wanted to achieve of its dreams, is now a far cry. Because Baloch masses, as a whole, have now decided that they cannot efford to be deceived further and nor the rolling of the caravan would be affected by the barkings of the dogs.

At the end Baloch leader said that the panic of Pakistani rulers would encourages us and solidify our believes further that the way and the strategy that we have chosen, would guarantee our success and it has the command of Baloch public will.Therefore we appeal our those Baloch brothers, who are preparing themselves for wading into the marsh of Pakistani parliamentary elections, not to provide legal legitimacy to barbaric rule of Pakistan by intering into next election. Because, if you go for elections than you would become a direct or indirect an intrument at the Islamabad and IG FC hands, which are smeared with Baloch blood.

Courtesy Dailytawar

Translated by Archen Baloch